September 23, 2021 (updated: August 24, 2022)

Blue Ripple’s Demographic Election Model

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions and Notation
  3. Model Dependencies
  4. Model Paramters and Structure


We want to build a reasonable but simple demographic model of voter turnout and party preference which we can use to predict the outcome of an election in a geography with known demographics, like a congressional or state-legisltive district. And, since this is a redistricting year, we want something that we can apply to newly drawn districts as well as existing ones.

By “predict,” we don’t mean in the sense of actually trying to handicap the outcome. Instead we intend to estimate the outcome based only on geographic and demographic variables. So we ignore things like current national sentiment toward either party, whether or not the candidate is an incumbent, etc. Our goal is to isolate something like an intrinsic partisan lean, though we readily acknowledge that this can shift over time as voter turnout and preferences shift. We’re trying to strike a balance between an estimate which just assembles voting history for all the precincts in a district, e.g., Dave’s Redistricting and a full-blown prediction model, using demographics, poll averages, and economic-indicators, e.g., the Economist Model.

We don’t expect our model to be more accurate than a historical or full-blown predictive model. Instead, we hope to spot places where the demographic expectation and historical results don’t line up, and to do so well in advance of any polling or in places where polls don’t exist, like state-legislative races.

We could work bottom-up, using voting precincts as building blocks:

  1. Get the geographic boundary and election results for each precinct, e.g., from openprecincts.
  2. Build a demographic profile of the precinct using overlaps1 of the precinct and census “blocks,” “block groups” or “tracts”2.
  3. Use the total number of votes and votes cast for the Democratic candidate in each precinct to infer a demographic and geographic model of turnout and voter preference in the entire set of precincts.
  4. Apply that model to the demographics of a district to generate a rough estimate of the likely election result.

For a given district (or set of districts), what precincts do we include in the model? In order to keep things simple we want a model that covers multiple districts. We could model using every precinct in the country or at least the state. Using every precinct in the country is hard: some of that data is unavailable and there are a lot of precincts (about 175,000 of them)! Using data only from the state risks being too influenced by the local election history.

So instead, we work top-down from national-level data:

  1. Use a national survey of voter turnout, e.g., the Current Population Survey Voter Registration Supplement (CPSVRS), and the Cooperative Election Survey (CES, formerly the CCES) and a national survey of voter preference, like the CES, to build demographically stratified turnout and preference data at the state or congressional-district (CD) level. We also add federal election result data at the Congressional-district and state-wide (President and Senate) level.
  2. Use that data to infer a demographic model of turnout and voter preference, with state-level effects.
  3. Apply3 that model to the demographics of a given district to generate a rough estimate of the likely election result.

Definitions and Notation

Some important categories:

Name Description
\(\mathcal{K}\) A specific set of demographic groupings (e.g., sex, education and race/ethnicity)
\(k\) A specific demographic grouping, i.e., \(\mathcal{K} = \{k\}\)
\(l\) A location (E.g., a state \(S\), or congressional district \(d\))
\(\mathcal{D}(S)\) The set of congressional districts in state \(S\)

And quantities:

Name Description
\(N\) Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP)
\(V\) Number of votes cast (for either a Democrat or Republican)
\(t\) Turnout probability (\(t=\textrm{Pr{Voting age citizen votes in the election}}=V/N\))
\(D\) Number of votes cast for the Democratic candidate
\(p\) Democratic voter preference (\(p=\textrm{Pr{Votes for the Democrat|Voted}}=D/V\))
\(\rho\) Population Density

A couple of things are worth pointing out here:

  • We've chosen to ignore third-party candidates and compute two-party preference (the probability that a voting age citizen who chooses either the Democrat or Republican chooses the Democrat) and two-party share (the probability that a voter who chooses either the Democrat or Republican chooses the Democrat). This is simpler and almost always what we care most about.

  • We model voter preference not voting-age-citizen preference. We are interested in election outcomes and those are created by voters. But there are certainly interesting questions to address about whether voters and non-voting adult citizens have the same candidate preferences.

  • We will indicate the subset of each quantity in each demographic group via subscript, as in \(N_k(g)\) is the number of voting age citizens from demographic group \(k\) in geography \(g\).

  • The capitalized quantities can be summed directly over demographic groupings. E.g., \(N(g)=\sum_k N_k(g)\), \(V(g)=\sum_k V_k(g)\), \(D(g)=\sum_k D_k(g)\) The lowercase quantities are probabilities, so they aggregate differently.

    • \[t(l) = V(l)/N(l) = \sum_k N_k(l) t_k(l) / N(l) = \frac{\sum_k N_k(l) t_k(l)}{\sum_k N_k(l)}\]

    • \[t(S) = V(S)/N(S) = \frac{\sum_{d\in \mathcal{D}(S)}\sum_k N_k(d)t_k(d)}{N(S)}\]

    • \[p(l) = D(l)/V(l) = \frac{\sum_k N_k(l) t_k(g) p_k(l)}{V(l)} =\frac{\sum_k N_k(l) t_k(l) p_k(l)}{\sum_k N_k(l) t_k(l)}\]

    • \[p(S) = D(S)/V(S) = \frac{\sum_{d\in \mathcal{D}(S)}\sum_k N_k(d) t_k(d) p_k(d)}{\sum_{d\in \mathcal{D}(S)} \sum_k N_k(d)t_k(d)}\]

We observe \(t\) and \(p\) in any location where we have survey or election data. In the CES survey data, we observe \(t_k(g)\) and \(p_k(g)\) for demographic variables including age, sex, education, race and ethnicity and at the geographic level of congressional districts. In the CPSVRS survey, we observe \(t_k(s)\), i.e., just turnout and only at the level of states4. An election result is an observation of \(t(s)\) and \(p(s)\) or \(t(d)\) and \(p(d)\), that is turnout and preference but without any demographic breakdown5.

Our goal is to model \(t\) and \(p\) as functions of the location and demographics so we can better understand them–how does race affect voter preference in Texas?– and look for anomalies, districts where the modeled expectation and the historical election results are very different. Such mismatches might indicate issues in the model, but they might also be indications of interesting political stories, and places to look for flippable or vulnerable districts. We use \(u\) for the modeled \(t\), and \(q\) for the modeled \(p\).

Modeled Quantities

Name Description
\(u_k(l;\rho)\) Modeled turnout probability in location \(l\) with population density \(\rho\)
\(q_k(l;\rho)\) Modeled Democratic voter preference in location \(l\) with population density \(\rho\)

So, for a location \(l\) and demographic group \(k\), \(u_k(l;\rho)\) is the estimated probability that a voting-age citizen in that location, with population density \(\rho\) and with those demographics, will turn out to vote. And \(q_k(l;\rho)\) is the probability that any such voter will choose the democratic candidate6.

Demographic Model Dependencies (collectively indexed by \(k\))

Name Description
Sex Female or Male (surveys and the ACS data only record binary gender information)
Education Non-graduate from college or college graduate
Race/Ethnicity Black, Hispanic, Asian, White-non-Hispanic, or Other

The obvious missing category here is age. Our input data has age information but when we construct demographic breakdowns of new districts we are limited to what's provided by the ACS survey. That information is published by the census in various tables and it's not possible to extract age, education and race/ethnicity simultaneously7. So we cannot post-stratify using the age information, even if it's present in the model. Since the model is simpler to fit without it, we drop age information for now.

Basic Model Structure

In order to use our data to estimate turnout probability and voter preference, we need a model of how survey or election results depend on those quantities. The standard choices for turnout and voter preference models is Bernoulli/Binomial–which assumes that for each person of type \(k\) in location \(l\) with population density \(\rho\), the choice to vote is like a coin flip where the odds of that coin coming up "voted" is \(u_k(l;\rho)\) and coming up "didn't vote" is \(1-u_k(l;\rho)\). Similarly, for any voter of type \(k\) in location \(l\) with population density \(\rho\), the chance of their vote being for the Democrat is \(q_k(l;\rho)\) and the Republican \(1-q_k(l;\rho)\). If we modeled each voter separately, these would be Bernoulli trials and when we take groups of Bernoulli trials with the same probability of success, we get a Binomial distribution.

The Bernoulli/Binomial is a reasonable fit for each data-set alone, but had insufficient dispersion, even allowing for various offsets in the parameters, to account for the different data sources all in one model. The Beta-Binomial, on the other hand, allows a reasonable fit to all the data. The cost of using this slightly more complex model, is the introduction of a parameter (one each for turnout and vote choice) which reflects the dispersion in the observed probabilities.

Specifically, given \(u_k(l;\rho)\) and \(q_k(l;\rho)\), we assume that the probability of observing \(n\) voters in a group of \(N\) voting-age citizens of type \(k\) in location \(l\) with density \(\rho\) is \(BB\big(n|N,u_k(l;\rho)\phi_T,(1-u_k(l;\rho))\phi_T\big)\) and the probability of observing \(d\) votes for the democratic candidate among \(V\) voters of type \(k\) in location \(l\) with density \(\rho\) is \(BB\big(d|V,q_k(l;\rho)\phi_P,(1-q_k(l;\rho))\phi_P\big)\), where the \(\phi\)’s parameterize the dispersion in probabilities.

We need to parameterize \(u\) and \(q\) in terms of our observed demographic variables. We use the logit function to map an unbounded range into a probability (and thus its inverse to map back to probability):

\[u_k(l;\rho) = \textrm{logit}^{-1}(\alpha_l + \vec{X}_k(\rho)\cdot\vec{\beta_l})\] \[q_k(l;\rho) = \textrm{logit}^{-1}(\gamma_l + \vec{Y}_k(\rho)\cdot\vec{\theta_l})\]

where \(\vec{X}_k(\rho)\) is a vector containing the density and demographic information. Population density for any region is computed via a population-weighted geometric mean: population-weighted to better reflect the lived density of the people in the region and geometric mean because it is more robust to outliers which are a common feature of population densities. In our model we bin those densities into 10 quantiles and use the quantile index in place of the actual density to further reduce the influence of outliers. The demographic information \(k\) is encoded via "one-hot" encoding of the category: using -1 or 1 for a binary category like college-educated and \((M-1)\) 0s or 1s for an \(M\)-valued category like race/ethnicity.

\(\vec{Y}_k(\rho)\) is the same as \(\vec{X}_k(\rho)\) except it also contains an element representing incumbency information for the relevant election: a \(1\) for a Democratic incumbent, \(0\) for no-incumbent and \(-1\) for a Republican incumbent.

Hierarchical Model

Rather than estimating \(u_k(l;\rho)\) and \(q_k(l;\rho)\) directly in each state from data in only that state, we use a multi-level model, allowing partial-pooling of the national data to inform the estimates in each state. This introduces more parameters to the model but allows for a more robust and informative fit. In our case, we model the \(\alpha\), \(\gamma\), \(\vec{\beta}\) and \(\vec{\theta}\) hierarchically. There various ways to parameterize this and we choose a non-centered parameterization since we expect our “contexts” (the various states), to be relatively similar which might lead to problems fitting using a centered paramterization.

So we set

\[\alpha_l = \alpha + \sigma_\alpha a_l\] \[\vec{\beta}_l = \vec{\beta} + \vec{\tau}_{\beta} \cdot \textbf{C}_{\beta} \cdot \vec{b}_l\] \[\gamma_l = \gamma + \sigma_\gamma c_l\] \[\vec{\theta}_l = \vec{\theta} + \vec{\tau}_{\theta} \cdot \textbf{C}_{\theta} \cdot \vec{d}_l\]

where \(\sigma_\alpha\), \(\sigma_\gamma\), \(\vec{\tau}_\beta\), and \(\vec{\tau}_\theta\) are standard-deviation parameters which control the amount of pooling of national data with state data. If those parameters are small, then the fit is using mostly unpooled, national data. If those parameters are large, then the state-level data is mostly informing the fit. We fit those parameters along with everything else. \(\textbf{C}\) is a correlation matrix, fit to the correlation among the density and demographic parameters in the data.

Meta-analysis details

Since we are using multiple surveys and the election data–a sort of meta-analysis–we need to account for the possibility of systematic differences between these sources of data. Our approach to this is to add a hierarchical (logistic) \(\alpha\) centered at 0 and varying among the data-sets, as well as a non-hierarchical data-set-specific offsets for each demographic category \(\vec{\beta}\) in each data-set except the house election results8.

Modeling Election Data

So far we’ve dodged one subtlety. Unlike the survey data, the election data does not come with attached demographic information. One approach is to remove it from the multi-level model and then, after fitting the multi-level model to the survey data, adjusting the model-parameters such that post-stratification matches some set of aggregates from the election data, for example, turnout in each state. This is done by choosing a “smallest” such adjustment in some well-specified sense. See, e.g., “Deep Interactions With MRP..., pp. 769-770.

As discussed in that paper, such an adjustment assumes small correlations between whatever leads to mismatches between the survey and the election results and the demographic variables in question. It’s not clear why that should be the case. In the case of the CPS at least, there is evidence that this assumption doesn’t hold.

And there is also a technical issue: When adjusting the parameters this way it is unclear what becomes of their distributions. Depending on how we do the estimation (see next section), we may have more information about each parameter than its likeliest value, including some information about uncertainty or a confidence interval. But it’s not at all clear how that information should be adjusted via the procedure outlined in the paper above.

There is, however, an alternative. We can add the likelihood of the parameters explaining the election data to the model itself. We do this by constructing new parameters for each election \(i\):

\[\hat{u}^{(i)} = \frac{\sum_k N^{(i)}_k u_k(l^{(i)};\rho^{(i)})}{N^{(i)}}\] \[\hat{q}^{(i)} = \frac{\sum_k N^{(i)}_k u_k(l^{(i)};\rho^{(i)}) q_k(l^{(i)},\rho^{(i)})}{\sum_k N^{(i)}_k u_k(l^{(i)};\rho^{(i)})}\]

and then asserting that the election is governed by the same beta-binomial process as the surveys. That is given parameters \(u\) and \(q\), the probability that, in election \(i\), given \(N\) voting-age citizens in the election location \(l^{(i)}\), the probability that there were \(V^{(i)}\) voters, \(D^{(i)}\) of whom voted for the Democratic candidate are \(BB\big(V^{(i)}|N^{(i)},\hat{u}^{(i)}\phi_T,(1-\hat{u}^{(i)})\phi_T\big)\) and \(BB\big(D^{(i)}|V^{(i)},\hat{q}^{(i)}\phi_P,(1-\hat{q}^{(i)})\phi_P\big)\) respectively.

Practical Considerations

At this point, we are, theoretically, done. We have parameterized our probabilities via our data, and asserted that each piece of data, survey or election, has a likelihood expressed by a Beta-Binomial distribution using those parameters. So we can construct the joint likelihood and attempt to maximize it in order to estimate our parameters. Or we can use a Bayesian approach, choose priors for our various parameters, combine those with the probability of the data given the parameters (the likelihood) and use that to find the joint posterior distribution of our parameters given our data, etc.

Let’s recall that our goal is to apply these estimations to new geographical regions via post-stratification. So, optimally, we’d like some way of computing a distribution of post-stratification results that is consistent with the distribution of parameter values, since the uncertainties we are ultimately interested in are those of the post-stratifications.

Monte-Carlo simulation is ideal here, since it allows computation of derived quantities on each path, resulting in a distribution of post-stratified results. Further, Monte-Carlo simulation does not require that we analytically maximize this very complex likelihood, though, depending on the method, it does require gradients of the likelihood.

If we only want to model the surveys, this is straightforward and fast. However, once we include the election results, things get harder since the \(\hat{u}\) and \(\hat{q}\), being sums over many \(\textrm{logit}^{-1}\) functions, make the gradients of the likelihood computationally burdensome. In practice, these models run in a few hours on a reasonably powerful laptop.

We use Haskell to parse the data, reorganize it and produce code for Stan, which then runs the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to estimate the posterior distribution of all the parameters and thus posterior distributions of \(u_k(l,\rho)\) and \(q_k(l,\rho)\).

To produce demographic profiles of new districts, we get shapefiles from Dave’s Redistricting, ACS data from the Census Bureau via NHGIS and use areal interpolation9 to compute the overlap of each census geography (tracts10, in this case) with our new districts and then aggregate that census information for the district.

Using those distributions and demographic breakdowns (which amounts to the numbers, \(N_k(l)\) of eligible voters for each combination of sex, education-level and race), we post-stratify to get from our parameter values to votes \(V\), and democratic votes, \(D\):

\[V(d) = \sum_k N_k(d) u_k(l,\rho)\] \[D(d) = \sum_k N_k(l) u_k(l,\rho) q_k(l,\rho)\]

One advantage of estimating these things via Monte Carlo, is that we compute each quantity, including the post-stratified ones, on each Monte Carlo iteration. So rather than just getting an estimate of the value of each quantity, we get some large number of samples from its posterior distribution. So we have good diagnostics around these quantities: we can see if we’ve done enough sampling for their distributions to have converged and we can extract informative confidence intervals–even of derived quantities like the post-stratifications–rather than just crude estimates of standard deviation as you might get from various methods which estimate parameters via optimization of the maximum-likelihood function.

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  1. By “overlap” we mean that we weight a census geography in a district by computing how much the area of that geography overlaps the district, a technique called “areal interpolation”. Areal interpolation assumes that people are distributed evenly over the source geographies (the census blocks or block-groups). This assumption is relatively harmless if the census geographies are very small compared to the target geography. More accuracy can be achieved using sources of population density data within the census geographies, for example, the National Land Cover Database (NLCD).↩︎

  2. For the decennial census there is detailed data available at the block level, where a block has ~100 people. For the American Community Survey, which collects data every year and thus is more up to date than the decennial census, data is available only at the “block-group” level, consisting of a few thousand people.↩︎

  3. Given a model giving a probability that any person, described by their demography, will vote and the probability that they will vote for the Democratic candidate, we can break each SLD into buckets of each sort of person in our model and then multiply the number of people in each group by the those probabilities to figure out the total number of votes in each group and how many of those votes were for the Democratic candidate. We add all those numbers up and that yields turnout and Dem vote share. Applying the model to the composition of the SLD in this way is called “post-stratification”.↩︎

  4. The CPSVRS is reported with county-level geography. Counties can be smaller or larger than a congressional district and in practice, these geographies are hard to convert. Rather than deal with that, we aggregate the CPSVRS to the state-level.↩︎

  5. It's possible, via exit polls or the voter file (a public record in each state matching voters to names and addresses) to try and estimate the demographics of actual election turnout. In practice, these methods are unreliable (exit polls) or expensive and hard to get right (purchasing, cleaning and matching voter-file data).↩︎

  6. The explicit presence of the population density \(\rho\) here is potentially confusing. It might seem like population density should simply be part of what varies with the location, \(l\). In our particular setup, we use population density data at a level more granular than our modeled set of locations. Most of our data is state-level. And what data we have at the congressional district level (CES survey and federal house elections) is for the districts which existed from the 2012-2020 elections. Many of those districts have now changed. And we are interested in state-legislative districts as well. So we use states as modeling locations rather than congressional districts. But, like demographic variations, population density is known to be strongly predictive of voter preference–people in cities are much more likely to vote for Democrats than people in suburbs or rural areas and this effect persists even when accounting for differences in age and race between those groups. It’s relatively easy to gather population density information for any geography of interest: states, house districts and state-legislative districts. We handle the density differently from the other demographic variables because density is a continuous or ordinal predictor rather than categorical, like sex, education or race.↩︎

  7. Some ACS tables do have age information, but then we lose education or race/ethnicity. There are interesting techniques using those tables together to extract probability distributions of age given sex, education and race/ethnicity. We plan to apply these techniques at some point to add age into the model.↩︎

  8. There are two things to explain here. Why isn’t the data-set \(\beta\) also hierarchical? And why not have a \(\vec{\beta}\) offset for all data-sets? We tried a hierarchical data-set-\(\beta\) but it was difficult to fit and, we think, requires a mix of centered/non-centered parameterizations. So we switched to a non-hierarchical set of offsets for \(\vec{\beta}\). But once the parameter is non-hierarchical, having an offset for each data-set would introduce a redundancy (technically, the parameters would be “non-identifiable”) because a fixed amount could be added to each data-set \(\vec{\beta}\) and removed from the shared \(\vec{\beta}\) without changing the estimated probabilities. To fix that, we pick one data-set as “neutral” and don’t add the demographic offset there. Since we are interested in house and state-legislative elections, using the house election as the “neutral” data-set makes the most sense.↩︎

  9. By “overlap” we mean that we weight a census geography in a district by computing how much the area of that geography overlaps the district, a technique called “areal interpolation”. Areal interpolation assumes that people are distributed evenly over the source geographies (the census blocks or block-groups). This assumption is relatively harmless if the census geographies are very small compared to the target geography. More accuracy can be achieved using sources of population density data within the census geographies, for example, the National Land Cover Database (NLCD).↩︎

  10. For the decennial census there is detailed data available at the block level, where a block has ~100 people. For the American Community Survey, which collects data every year and thus is more up to date than the decennial census, data is available only at the “block-group” level, consisting of a few thousand people.↩︎